After All That Trouble...

I made a change today to my DNS settings for, and whenever I run:

$ dig

I am seeing the old IP address!! I got sick of waiting and trying every now and then, so I open terminal and script it:

>>> import time
>>> import subprocess as sp
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> while 1:
...     time.sleep(10)
...     IP = ''
...     process = sp.Popen(['dig', ''], stdout=sp.PIPE)
...     output, something = process.communicate()
...     if IP not in output:
...         print 'YAAAY'
...         break
...     else:
...         print 'no.. '+output

I literally go to the bathroom, and come back to find the output:


… Took exactly 3 tries before the DNS updated. That’s 3 tries multiplied by 10 second intervals between them tries…