What the Snippet

I am really getting used to this video blogging business. It feels like I want to make all future posts videos. So easy, so convenient…

This one is about using Xcode snippets to speed up your development. I present a use case with cocos2d-x, but it can be used with anything really… Even Swift ;).

Youtube link

Here are the snippets. Just drag the code over to the snippets area in Xcode:

class <#class#> : public <#superclass#>


    static <#class#> *create(<#args-definition#>);
    virtual bool init(<#args-definition#>);

<#class#> *<#class#>::create(<#args-definition#>)
    <#class#> *obj = new <#class#>();

    return obj;

bool <#class#>::init(<#args-definition#>)
    if (!<#superclass#>::init(<#superargs#>))
        return false;

    return true;