
In a previous post, I was complaining about Google ads, as well as highlighting how I was looking for the perfect analytics service. That’s when I said that parse.com was the one stop shop and all…

Well, I have a confession here. Parse unfortunately tries to do everything at once, and ultimately sucks at delivering. It would fit perfectly for someone who needs very simple analytics, push notifications, cloud storage, … But, to get the real deal, and save yourself the headache of analyzing those analytics and crash reports, look for a specialized service.

For my case, I found a really awesome analytics service, which is localytics.


They have an awesome pricing criteria, as well as a really awesome dashboard and analysis tools.

As for the crash reports, there were two that stood out, namely crittercism and hokeyapp. The only reason you would want to choose the former is if you don’t have much traffic, since they have a generous free tier. Otherwise, the basic hockeyapp tier is paid, no free tier, but super cheap and super generous. Hence, I am in!



Let’s see… The most appropriate conclusion would probably be to reflect this post on ourselves… Don’t freaking spread to thin! Try to focus on one thing at a time, and do it right with 100% of your focus.